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Race | Halfling |
Class | Barbarian |
Level | 8 |
AC | 15 |
HP | 61 |
Proficiency Bonus | +3 |
Walking Speed | 35 |
Adv - Initiative | +5 |
Passive Wis (Perception) | 10 |
Passive Int (Investigation) | 10 |
Passive Wis (Insight) | 10 |
Armor: | Light, Medium, Shields |
Weapons: | Martial, Simple |
Tools: | Dice set, Land vehicles |
Languages: | Common, Halfling |
STR | 16 | INT | 11 |
DEX | 20 | WIS | 10 |
CON | 10 | CHA | 17 |
Str | +6 |
Dex | +5 |
Con | +3 |
Int | 0 |
Wis | 0 |
Cha | +3 |
Acrobatics | +5 |
Animal Handling | 0 |
Arcana | 0 |
⚫️ Athletics | +6 |
Deception | +3 |
History | 0 |
Insight | 0 |
⚫️ Intimidation | +6 |
Investigation | 0 |
⚫️ Medicine | +3 |
Nature | 0 |
Perception | 0 |
Proformance | +3 |
Persuasion | +3 |
Religion | 0 |
Slight of Hand | +5 |
Stealth | +5 |
⚫️ Survival | +3 |